Friday, April 24, 2009

Where are you?

Hmmm… What have I got in my mind today? Usual culprit, Aidan… everyday my mind & soul is with him. That’s a danger; I would better find a cure for this illness before it become hazardous. Ha! Ha!

How can missing one’s own son become hazardous? I won’t know…
He’s really growing up fast, tomorrow he’ll be 4 mnths old. Time flies by really fast isn’t it? I wonder what he is up to now. Sleeping perhaps… that will be the most idea thing for him to be doing at this hour, won’t want him to develop the night owl syndrome just like me.

His grandma told me a funny story about him today.

As usual after putting Aidan to sleep, his grandma would start on her chores, every 10 minutes or so she would peep at him, just to be sure that her precious Tuan Muda is doing alright. But unfortunately what happened yesterday was, her Tuan Muda was missing from his mattress (Aidan sleeps on the mattress on the floor in the living room during day time, cause he likes being in the open and not being confined to cot or in the room). She quickly ran to the living room while thinking where’s Aidan? And guess where the Tuan is? Sleeping… beneath the couch, 3 feet away from his mattress. How did he get there, he couldn’t crawl yet? No i-deer. But we do know that he has been moving forward, backward and going round in circle on his tummy (leaving saliva trails as his proof of achievement)

I guess he has found out that he prefer sleeping in the dark rather than in brightness… Way to go Aidan. That’s the way it is, be self reliant in getting what you want in life. Even mummy will have to learn from you.

Lesson noted… Thank you, son.


  1. You're killing me with your funny stories of Aidan... keep posting more - I miss him too!!

  2. "he has been moving forward, backward and going round in circle on his tummy (leaving saliva trails as his proof of achievement)".....sounds like those days after coming back drunk from Tano's at 4 a.m!!!!! - DINA
